Steps to Success » Student Success Stories

Student Success Stories

How Understanding my Student was the Key to his Success

How Understanding my Student was the Key to his Success

How Understanding my Student was the Key to his Success

In one of my favourite Pre School English L4 classes, there are five little five-year-olds. They’re wonderful students. One little boy, who I’ll call Sammy, always struggled to focus on our lesson materials, he could gaze attentively at the cars and people outside. He sometimes counted the number of vehicles and named their makes, models and colours; he even commented on what the pedestrians… Read More

The Learning Journey in Action

The Learning Journey in Action

The Learning Journey in Action

Ben joined my Critical Reading and Writing L1 class when he was in Primary 1. On his first day, he walked through the door with his school bag half-open and books spilling out. During class, when I asked him to read passages aloud from the workbook, he stared at me blankly. I wasn’t sure if he would fit into the class, which had five… Read More