i‑Learner Education Centre

成功之路 » Poetry Analysis


在小學,英語文學老師經常要求我們在詩歌或故事中發掘文學技巧。當中其中一個例子是意象,它是任何能夠吸引我們五感的描述(例如,一個嘎嘎作響的鼓 = 聽覺;一根光滑而鋒利的冰柱 = 觸覺)。

而在中學,英語文學老師希望我們不僅能夠找出相關的文學技巧,更要回答高層次的問題。 這些問題可能是十分模糊的,比如“「分析威廉·布萊克的《老虎》中意象的使用。」這可能難以回答。試看看下文《老虎》,並按照後面的指引一步一步進行去做。它向您展示了回答有關圖像問題的方法。


The Tiger

by William Blake


TIGER, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal¹ hand or eye

Could frame² thy* fearful³ symmetry?


In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine* eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire⁴?

What the hand dare seize⁵ the fire?


And what shoulder and what art⁶

Could twist the sinews⁷ of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread⁸ hand and what dread feet?


What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace⁹ was thy brain?

What the anvil¹⁰? What dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?


When the stars threw down their spears,

And water’d heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see?

Did He who made the lamb make thee?


Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


1   immortal  living forever, something that cannot die

2   frame   make, create, contain

3   fearful   likely to cause fear, also meaning extreme, great

4   aspire   hope, dream, literal meaning go higher

5   seize   take, grab

6   art  here refers to skill, technique

7   sinews  parts of muscle tissue

8   dread   great fear, also meaning something great to fear, sublime

9   furnace   hot oven used to smelt steel and iron to make metal, also meaning fire

10 anvil   heavy metal block used for shaping metal (usually with a hammer)


*Thy, thine and thee都是古中古英語單詞「你的」和「你」




  • 作為讀者,這個意象對你有甚麼影響
  • 它如何與其他文學技巧結合(如果寫一篇文章,你需要將其他文學技巧也包含其中,因為只寫一種文學技巧很難寫超過一個段落)
  • 這個意象為詩增添了什麼? 例如,它是否改變了整個語調或對表達某些意義有所貢獻?













本文摘自 i-Learner 英文詩歌練習冊系列:黃水仙級別。 在這本書中,還有其他九首經典詩歌,同學可以學習並分析它們當中的技巧。全套練習冊收集了四十首詩歌的指導性問題以及答案和錄音,幫助同學理解內容。如果需要實際的詩歌教學,請加入 i-Learner的批判性閱讀和寫作 (英文)啟航探索課程。