i‑Learner Education Centre


Nicole Man

Nicole Man


My aim is to open minds to the kaleidoscopic possibilities that languages hold. They are not simply words on a page or whiteboard, but the exchanges that inform and have been shaped by humanity over thousands of years. When students understand this, they are excited to learn more.

Nicole Man has nurtured a lifelong love of words and their uses, which led her to studying Classics at the University of Oxford. This passion has developed in a range of directions, leading her, for example, to transcribe a Spanish documentary about San Tin village and delve into writing poetry. Previous positions at international summer schools have stoked Nicole’s passion for encouraging people, young and old, to forge connections through linguistic interaction. It is a great privilege to now be doing so for learners with whom she shares ethno-cultural heritage.


  • BA (Literae Humaniores) University of Oxford



學習的概念,常常讓人聯想到安靜的圖書館中研讀書籍的嚴肅畫面,處在當今的科技時代,又變成緊盯著電腦螢幕學習的畫面。然而,我想提… 看更多