i‑Learner Education Centre

Steps to Success » Thinking and Feeling

The Relationship Between Personality and Learning

Personality plays a significant role in shaping how individuals approach the learning process. Two common personality traits that impact learning are introversion and extroversion. Understanding and acknowledging these personality traits can greatly enhance the effectiveness of learning for children.


Understanding Introverts


Introverted children tend to be more reserved, preferring solitary activities and quiet environments. They often require time alone to process information internally and to recharge their energy as socialising with others drains them. They may appear shy or hesitant to participate in group work, but they excel at introspection and independent work. They are also great at observational learning, the process of learning by watching the behaviour of others. 


To support introverted learners, it’s important to provide a calm and quiet area where they can concentrate and engage in uninterrupted study time. Introverts also express themselves more comfortably in writing as opposed to speaking, so they should be encouraged to keep a journal or engage in writing in other ways.


Understanding Extroverts


Extroverted children, on the other hand, thrive in social settings and enjoy interacting with others. These individuals are energised by external stimuli and tend to think out loud. They are likely to be active participants in discussions and group activities as they learn best through verbal communication and engagement. 


Since extroverted learners thrive on social interactions, they need opportunities to engage in group activities and build relationships with others. They can do this in study groups or extracurricular clubs, anywhere they can collaborate with peers and share their ideas. 


Lastly, it’s important to note that not all children fit strictly into the category of either introvert or extrovert. Personality traits exist on a continuum and most fall somewhere between the two poles, showing a combination of both traits or changing their preferences depending on the context.