Practising Proper Planning

Practising Proper Planning

Practising Proper Planning

We have all been there – sitting under stressful exam conditions and having to produce a piece of clear and concise writing. Sometimes, we panic and start writing immediately, only to get to the end and realise that it’s not as coherent as we would like. Maybe we didn’t even answer the question properly! By practising proper planning, the essay-writing process (and stress levels) becomes… Read More

Building Confidence in Speaking

Building Confidence in Speaking

Building Confidence in Speaking

We all know the benefits of speaking a second or third language, such as creating international connections and increasing our communication skills. But what if we lack the confidence to practise our skills? How can we improve if we feel too embarrassed to even try? There are plenty of ways to build confidence! Try these tips to find the ones that work for you: Breathe… Read More

Reducing Stress for Learning Success

Reducing Stress for Learning Success

Reducing Stress for Learning Success

What causes stress for students? Tests? Presentations? Expectations? All of these? As educational demands become more rigorous, so too do students’ stress levels. We all know that stress can have a negative effect on student performance, inside and outside the classroom. It’s important to help students manage this in order for them to have stable, happy, productive lives. For our own well-being, we work hard… Read More