Fact File
- Course Subject:
- Chinese
- Course Level:
- Primary School, Secondary School
- Location:
- i-Learner Education Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)
- i-Learner Education Centre (Wan Chai)
Course Description
The 75th Speech Festival is coming!
Student Preparation

Award-winning speech and drama experts here at i-Learner are available to train speech festival entrants in a wide array of classes. Our years of experience in this field has led to many of our students being awarded honors.
We run training courses starting from September each year and going right up to the date of your competition. Please contact us on 3113 8815 or email studio@i-learner.edu.hk to sign up for classes!
Take a look at the video and view testimonials from students who have trained with us recently.
Consultation with Teachers
For several years, we have provided a consultation service for teachers who are tackling the higher level texts with their students. Our consultation can help you to get to the deeper subtleties of these difficult play scripts, poems, and prose pieces. Our teachers can help by pointing out the shades of meaning and the points of irony in the texts in order for you to help prepare your students with a dramatic interpretation.