Fact File
- Course Subject:
- English
- Course Level:
- Exam Preparation, Primary School, Secondary School
- Location:
- i-Learner Education Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)
- i-Learner Education Centre (Wan Chai)
Course Description
Using tailor-made materials, i-Learner tutors ensure students at top Hong Kong schools get the most from their classes.
Our Success Track is for students at:
- Diocesan Girl’s Junior School & Diocesan Girl’s School
- Good Hope Primary School & Good Hope School
- St. Mary’s Canossian School & St. Mary’s Canossian College
- St. Joseph’s Primary School & St. Joseph’s College
- IGCSE (Primary and Secondary sections)
Covering the textbooks, readers, grammar worksheets and more studied in your child’s classroom, our Success Track lessons make certain that every key topic has been understood, setting students up for exam excellence.
Armed with decades of experience, i-Learner has created an effective, systematic curriculum that is personalised to meet each child’s needs.
Course Highlights*:
- Tailor-made curriculum based on school reader/textbook
- Systematic grammar teaching
- Vocabulary practice
- Reading, speaking and writing practice
- Literary and poetry analysis
- Intensive mock papers
*School dependent
View our school-specific brochures and timetables:

1. How does Success Track differ from i-Learner’s regular skill-based courses such as Critical Reading and Writing, Advanced Grammar and Reading, Love to Write and Love to Read?
Success Track is an integrated course covering various English language skills, such as grammar, reading and writing, rather than focusing on a particular skill. The Success Track course also follows school-specific curricula.
2. Do I need to take CRW, AGR, LTW or LTR in addition to Success Track if I want to develop further in grammar, writing or literary analysis? Will there be any overlap in the teaching materials if I do so?
If students would like to strengthen a particular English language skill, they are welcome to join our other courses on top of Success Track. While some of the topics might be repeated, the materials of Success Track will not overlap with those of our other courses.
3. How can I arrange make-up lessons if I have to apply for leave?
Students can join another regular course for make-up lessons.
4. How long is each lesson and what’s the duration of the course?
Each Success Track class is 70 minutes long. Like our other regular courses, Success Track has four terms which span over a year.
5. Are the tutors familiar with the requirements of the school?
Yes, Success Track will be taught by experienced tutors who are familiar with the school requirements
6. How does Success Track differ from Exam Practice?
Exam Practice is an intensive short course where students will be given tailor-made exam papers. On the other hand, Success Track is a regular course where students will practise exam skills amongst other topics covered in their school curriculum.
7. Can I take both Success Track and Exam Practice?
Yes, you can take both.