i‑Learner Education Centre

Steps to Success » Critical Thinking

How Critical Thinking Classes Improve Outcomes in All Subjects

The term critical thinking refers to a process of objective analysis that is used to reach an informed judgement. The more that students practise this process, the more of their potential they will unlock. Many i-Learner courses, such as Critical Reading and Writing and our summer special course Olympian Critical Thinking, train students in critical thinking and equip students with skills that will be valuable for their entire educational careers.

Critical thinking is important because it provides students with the ability to approach issues from multiple perspectives rather than relying only on their own feelings and opinions. This is crucial in subjects like history, in which candidates are required to analyse sources and understand the agendas of different writers. Similarly, in literature, students must learn to appreciate a variety of worldviews.

Practising objective analysis can also sharpen students’ logical faculties and improve their problem-solving skills. This is invaluable for STEM subjects, which require students to evaluate data and come to creative conclusions. Critical thinking is even useful in subjects like art and music, in which qualities such as innovation and thinking outside the box are valued highly.

The relevance of critical thinking in such a broad range of subject areas demonstrates its overarching value. In today’s ever-changing job market, employers often prioritise soft skills, such as critical thinking, over knowledge of individual subject areas. By sharpening their critical thinking capabilities, students will not only be able to succeed in all aspects of their studies, but also in the world of work.